August 31

At St. Michael’s, we spend a great deal of time, at every opportunity possible, talking about values. At the beginning of the year, kindness and compassion are underscored, and that theme carries through our year. In May of 2013, the graduating class gave to St Michael’s a beautiful Ben’s Bells mural, which graces the wall outside of our Student Center. The plaque beside it proclaims, “St. Michael’s has the courage to be kind.” Among the Class of 2013 was a young man who stood as a constant reminder of both (read more)

August 24

And we’re off! After months of preparation and an exciting summer of campus construction, we have begun our new school year with optimism and a growth mindset that will open the door to unlimited possibilities for the students, teachers, and staff. There is a freshness to our start and a team spirit that joins us together. Just in the nick of time, the renovations to the old Parish Hall resulted in a beautiful, spacious School Office and a new home for Admissions. Our teachers will have a new work center, (read more)

May 26

And off we go…another school year behind us. The year has been swift and much has been accomplished. There have been victories and defeats. Steps forward and sometimes steps going back. There has been growth on many levels and achievement of goals set before us. The words “I can’t” have been replaced on many levels by “yes, I can!” I have seen many little blue engines trudge up the long hill with anxiety and doubts, only to see bright smiles on the downhill side as success is at hand. Tears (read more)

May 18

When I first arrived on the campus of St. Michael’s to meet the community, it was the day of our annual Art Expo. Of course, at the time, I had no idea what Art Expo was, but I knew that it was a culminating event in the school year, and the buzz on campus was one of anticipation and excitement. There were volunteers everywhere. Parents were working together hanging art, ferrying projects from art rooms to assigned locations around campus, and being available to help Mrs. Faltico and Ms. Monsma (read more)

May 11

On Tuesday afternoon, the Student Center was filled with alums who returned for the annual José Rincon Memorial Basketball Game. There were boys and girls from high school and college who came to not only play some spirited games against our current students and faculty but also simply to be on campus, back in the community that they feel very much a part of. This annual gathering honors the memory of a member of our community whose young life ended much too soon. José was a member of the Class (read more)

May 4

As the final weeks of the school year slip by at increasing speed, it’s not unusual for us to become a bit nostalgic, remembering when our St. Michael’s “seniors” were young elementary students just starting out. Like all good parents, teachers and administrators also want to impart words of wisdom, advice, encouragement, and care, knowing that in a few months our graduates will begin again in the large world of high school. Today, I listened to an inspiring address to eighth-grade students and senior scholarship winners at the Casas Adobes (read more)

April 27

One of the joys of the work that I do is observing teachers. Sometimes the observations may be in the classroom as they impart knowledge. Some of the best observations, however, take place throughout the course of a day: in the courtyards, in the hallways, in offices, going to and from Chapel, after school, or perhaps in the early morning hours before the bell rings. These observations tell much about our culture at St. Michael’s. For our youngest students, the greetings at the door or a quiet, reassuring presence on (read more)

April 20

At my previous school, I had a parent who was passionate about our school and the fabulous experience her two girls were having. From the small classes and the teachers who personally knew her children to the academics and character formation that were part of our daily chapel services. Whenever she would go to the grocery store, to the library, or shopping at the mall, she had her girls wear their school uniform or their SAES sweatshirt to advertise the school. People would stop and compliment her girls which was (read more)

April 13

Next week, our campus will be rather quiet. In the wee hours of Saturday and Sunday mornings, sleepy-headed middle school students will be boarding buses and planes to travel to the East, to the West, and to the Four Corners. Following closely behind on Tuesday, the fifth graders will travel to our state capitol in Phoenix. We send them out not only for experiential learning in American and Arizona history and government, marine biology, and archeology, but also as ambassadors from St. Michael’s. It is a magnificent experience that we (read more)

April 6

Truthfulness…telling the truth…not lying…being honest…authentic. This month, as we head into our final weeks of school, our value of the month is an important one for our students. Truthfulness. When asked what that means, students responded with the most widely understood definitions, which included not lying, telling what really happened, and being honest. Of equal importance in our consideration of truthfulness is being authentic, being true to yourself, and being who really are rather than someone you think others want you to be. In the culture that many of our (read more)

March 16

W O W!! Our annual spring gala is just around the corner. Do you have your tickets? If not, you still have time to be a part of a dazzling white on white event that promises to be not only fun but a terrific benefit event for St. Michael’s. The gala committee has worked long and hard in preparing for the event and I, for one, can hardly wait to celebrate the night with our community. Tickets can be purchased on line, in the office, or from Lonnie Reese. Anything (read more)

March 9

I’m often amazed when people who are not familiar with day-school communities assume that our students “live in a bubble.” A friend who is a priest even commented to me some years ago that these kids don’t experience real life. And so I begged to differ. Even in small schools, students experience the realities of life. In our Episcopal schools, we are diverse, and we celebrate that fact because it is real life. Our diversity includes students of different races, colors, religions, economic levels, countries of origin, languages, family structures, (read more)

March 2

With our return from Rodeo Break, we have begun three very busy months that will carry us through the third trimester and the end of the school year. It is always amazing to me that we reach this point so quickly. As we begin this third and final trimester, our students have the opportunity to regroup, refocus, and renew their commitment to the work they are called to do. The question I often ask a student is this: “Are you giving one hundred percent to your learning?” The temptation sometimes (read more)

February 17

Two weeks ago, our capital campaign, Charting Our Course for the Future…A 21st Century Plan, was launched into our public phase. I hope that many have taken the opportunity to not only read the brochure but also view the video, which can be found on the St. Michael’s website. Large-scale drawings can be seen on display across from the Foundations Courtyard, and our students who have seen the plans are quite excited about the facility improvements that will take place. This plan also will include support for both our scholarship (read more)

February 11

We’re wearing our hearts on our sleeves these days…and on the posts…and on the doors…and finding them in our mail boxes here at St. Michael’s. Hearts are everywhere as our honoring of Valentine’s Day approaches. Perhaps this is just another Hallmark holiday, but I think that in the midst of winter days and chilly nights, there’s something refreshing and warm about spreading a little love around our world. Take for example the number of Valentine’s Day cards and hearts that have flowed into the office this week for our dear (read more)

February 3

And we’re off…Charting Our Course for the Future!! I’m thrilled to be able to share some very exciting news with you. Several years ago, St. Michael’s was approached by a local family foundation with a grant opportunity to benefit our school. As a result, conversations began both with the staff and the Board to identify areas of greatest need that would serve to strengthen our program for the future. Through our internal conversations, a feasibility study within our larger community, and the advice and direction of a fundraising consultant, a (read more)

January 27

Lights…camera…action! We are counting down the days until the curtain rises for the annual St. Michael’s musical. This year, our students will present Mary Poppins to what we hope will be a packed house on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Since September, our students and staff directors have worked tirelessly, well almost tirelessly, on a production that will surely bring the house down. Dr. Antista and Mrs. Faltico have done their magic once again to bring out the superb talent of our third through eighth grade thespians. Our teachers have given (read more)