Board of Trustees

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Operating within the framework of the Episcopal Church, St. Michael’s School is a ministry of the Parish of St. Michael and All Angels. The Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of the church have delegated the management of the affairs and policies of the school, in turn, to the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees includes the Rector, Vestry members, parishioners, the Head of St. Michael’s School, parents, and other members of the community. The Rector and Head of School are non-voting members. At all times, at least 51% of the voting membership of the Board must consist of members in good standing of the Church of St. Michael and All Angels. New members are nominated by a Committee of Trustees and  then approved by the Vestry.

The Board of Trustees does not intervene in the school’s daily affairs, such as curriculum development and hiring, evaluating faculty, or on issues related to daily routines. Instead, the primary responsibilities of the Board, which meets on a monthly basis during the school year, include three functions critical to the success of the school: it selects, evaluates, and supports the Head of School, to whom it delegates authority to manage the school; it develops broad institutional policies that guide the Head in running the school; and it is accountable for the financial sustainability and strategic goals of the school.

2023-2024 Board of Trustees

Chair: Ian Milliken, P ’29
Vice Chair: The Rev. Peter Cheney, Parish
Treasurer: Election/Appointment Pending
Secretary: Melissa Dolezal, P ‘28 & ’30

Erica Bennett, P ‘26
Stephanie Boreale, P ’25 & ‘29
Vanessa Buch, P ’24 & ‘26
Randy Downer, P ’24
John Hsieh, Parish/Vestry
Paulette O’Malley, Parish
Mimi Pollow, Parish
Elizabeth Zegura, Parish

Ex-Officio Members:
The Rev. Cn. David Hedges, Rector
Brendan Sullivan, Head of School, P ‘26