There are numerous ways to show your support for our terrific institution, including the following:
Gifts of Cash – Cash gifts are always welcome and can be itemized deductions. Larger gifts made on credit cards are also accepted.
Pledges – Pledges to St. Michael’s can be paid over three to five years.
Gifts of Securities – By transferring gifts of appreciated stocks to the school, donors may realize substantial tax advantages. Capital gains on the amount of the appreciation are avoided, and the donor receives a tax deduction for the stock’s full market value, up to the limits of the law.
Gifts of Real Estate – Gifts of residence and real estate may be an excellent way to make a sizable gift to St. Michael’s. A donor of real estate receives a tax deduction, avoids capital gains, and retains lifetime occupancy if desired.
Gifts of Personal Property – Property gifts include donations of art, equipment, rare books, and similar, non-monetary contributions.
Matching Gifts – Many companies will match or multiply donations to St. Michael’s by their employees, and donors are urged to request that their companies match gifts to the school.
In-Kind Gifts – Services and materials necessary for any of our many programs, such as printing and graphic design expertise, building materials, toys, and sports equipment, are always needed and welcomed.
Gifts of Life Insurance – Making a contribution through life insurance policies provides tax deductions and may enable the donor to make a larger gift than otherwise possible. The donor may name St. Michael’s as beneficiary or co-beneficiary.
Planned Giving: Bequests – A bequest is a gift made through a will or living trust. Donors receive full tax benefits for their contribution, maintaining income and capital during their lifetime.