By the time our Eagle Blog is posted, Election 2016 will have mercifully concluded, or at least one would hope that is the case. The fallout from the past campaign season, however, will long be felt in our country. Lost in the process was our sense of dignity and respect for the men and women who choose to be a part of our democratic system. Role models for our students seemed few and far between. Those running for public office, who worked hard to stay above the fray, are to be commended for their attempts to run an honest and transparent campaign, focusing on the issues rather than on the constant efforts to put another person down. Unfortunately, many failed in their attempt to take the high road. So what can we learn from this that can right the ship, not only for our kids but for our nation?
Our value this month is humility. It follows our previous months’ discussions of kindness, tolerance, and forgiveness. With just these four values, foundational to the character development of our students, perhaps we could possibly begin to change our world, making at least our little corner here a kinder, gentler place. Humility is not the same as being meek or shying away from others. It is about being modest, respectful of others, and placing the needs and concerns of others before one’s own. It’s about turning the spotlight from yourself to another person. In this case, actions speak so much louder than words, and my hope is that we can model that idea well for our students here at St. Michael’s. Kindness does, in fact, get you everywhere and opens doors that otherwise might remain closed. When we build people up rather than try to tear them down, everyone rises to the occasion. As our country begins to heal, and attempts are made to unify that which has been broken apart, perhaps it will be our children that can lead the charge in practicing humility, setting the example for all of us to follow. In the words of author Harper Lee:
“As you grow up, always tell the truth, do no harm to others, and don’t think you are the most important thing on earth. Rich or poor, you then can look anyone in the eye and say, “I’m probably no better than you, but I’m certainly your equal.”
Margaret Moore
Head of School