Last Saturday evening, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in fine style at the Savoy Opera House, the location for our annual Gala auction. A good time was had by all. In the process of having fun, we raised friends and funds for our school. Although the Gala is months in preparation, the final days find teachers, staff, and parent-volunteers coming together to transform the Savoy into a magical place. To see the number of moms, dads, friends, and families working together was indeed gratifying. Truly, we could not have done the necessary work without the many hands that worked together. For everyone that participated in any way, my thanks go out to you. The power of the community working together was magnificent.
When I first arrived for an official visit to St. Michael’s, it was the weekend of Art Expo. As I toured and observed the school, visited classrooms, and talked with faculty and parents, I was overwhelmed by the passion for this school. Volunteers were everywhere that day, hanging artwork, putting up decorations, running errands, and organizing for the evening. There were smiles, lots of laughter, constant conversations, and a sense of joy in the work they were doing. After all, it was for the school and for the children, the key reason we do most everything at St. Michael’s School. At the end of the day, it is always about the kids.
What I have learned over the years I have worked in schools is that volunteers give their time and energy not so much out of obligation, but rather out of passion, commitment, and a desire to contribute to the cause. At St. Michael’s, we depend on our volunteers to help us carry out our program. We are partners in the process. With a calendar full of special events, as well as our routine needs such as monitoring the playground during recesses, volunteers are an essential piece. Whether it’s for an hour or two, or regularly volunteering to help with events, we are grateful for the support of volunteers. They truly make a difference.
As we get into the spring season at St. Michael’s, please consider volunteering to help with an upcoming special event such as Art Expo, an SMA event, or perhaps serving routinely as a playground monitor, helping to ensure the safety of our students. It takes a village to run a school, and every person at St. Michael’s plays a part in the successful operation. Thank you, dear volunteers, for all you do. You are amazing.
Margaret Moore
Head of School