September 6

The beginning of the school year is a very intense period. Our faculty returns during August, working in the heat to unpack supplies, rearrange furniture, put up fresh classroom décor, and study curricula in order to prepare engaging lesson plans. As the countdown to the first day of school began, so began the process of intake conferences, where teachers are all ears, learning as much as possible about each child from the perspective of parents. Our culminating events are our Curriculum Nights, when parents gather in class groups to hear how the year will unfold for the students. As we arrived at Labor Day weekend, everyone, including faculty, staff, parents, and children, took a deep breath, relaxed for a bit, and regrouped for the fall term. Yes, it takes a lot of energy, planning, and preparation time on the part of everyone to open the school year. It is, however, time well spent.

The important thing to note, however, is that St. Michael’s enjoys a very deep partnership with parents. This partnership is the essential piece. Our common focus is the child. Our goal, whether for teacher or parent, is to do all that we can to support the success of our students. Relationships are important. Communication is important. Trust between all parties is important. Every single teacher and every staff member wants each school year to be the best yet. To say that we are passionate about what we do would not be an exaggeration. We are willing to go to great lengths to see the light go on and a smile of understanding on a student’s face. To hear the words “I finally get it!” is music to our ears.

As we hit the ground running in our first trimester this fall, I want to thank our partners: our parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles. This partnership is the key to our success as a school and, more importantly, to the success of our students. We invest our time in them. We all believe in them. Whether we are sometimes the sage on stage or, better yet, the guide on the side, it is our privilege to be a part of this chapter in the lives of our students. Together, we will make good things happen every single day. Hand in hand, we will accomplish our goals. Therefore off we go. The year has launched. Already we are seeing big dreams coming true.

Margaret Moore

Head of School