March 2

And we’re off! The third and final trimester of the school year has begun. It never ceases to amaze me that we arrive at this point, and suddenly the end of the year seems much too close. There is so much left to do and a finite amount of time in which to accomplish it. In Chapel on Monday, I reminded our students that, using a baseball analogy, we are on third base and rounding the corner toward home plate. Rather than walk into home, why not run in, sliding across the plate and exclaiming, “Wow! That was an amazing year!” Our students work hard throughout the year. They play hard as well and often stretch themselves not only to try something new but work toward mastery in the process. It’s a delicate balance, trying to achieve goals while being mindful of the importance of growth and learning through the process.

All of us have difficulties at times finding that right balance. Being the often driven person that I am, I can hold myself to impossible standards. I am well aware that many of our students do as well. Striving to have a growth mindset rather than one that is fixed, however, enables me to allow for flexibility and acceptance of myself along the way. It’s not a matter of settling for something less. Rather, I can strive to do my best, learning and growing along the way, setting realistic goals, even at my more senior age. That’s the power of “yet.” It’s not so important what we achieve in the end, but rather what is being accomplished and learned in the process along the way. For our students, when they figuratively slide into home base at the end of the school year, my hope is that we can help them to recognize how far they have come, being proud of what they learned in the process, knowing that they have grown tremendously. So off we go, rounding third base. As we complete the year, may we all celebrate a year well lived with much progress achieved along the way.

Margaret Moore

Head of School