So much of what happens within a school day is about communication and how we relate to one another. From the time a student steps on campus and then into a classroom, the daily interaction between teachers and students begins. Our young Kindergarten students muster a great deal of courage on the first day of school as they move from spending a large percentage of their day with parents or caregivers to a new relationship with their classroom teacher. The many hats that a teacher will wear in the course of a day include instructor, nurturer, coach, nurse, surrogate parent, counselor, friend, and cheerleader.
Teaching takes place all day long. It happens on many levels. On one level, it may appear to be all about academic instruction. On a deeper level, however, are important life skills that are constantly being taught from Kindergarten through eighth grade. Students are learning to share, to care, to communicate, and to be part of a community. They are learning that relationships take time and take patience. They are learning to be friends with others and how to mend friendships when relationships are hurt or broken. Students are learning values and establishing their own moral compasses that will provide the foundation for good choices going forward. At St. Michael’s, the faculty and staff not only teach and serve as role models for the students, but also work hard to remove obstacles to learning in order for students to reach success. This is why it is not unusual to see faculty and staff mingling among students on the playground, in the courtyards, at lunch, or at break. Our ears are constantly open, and relationships are constantly being built, in order to foster an atmosphere in which students feel valued, respected, cared for, and supported.
It truly does take a village to raise a child, and it is an honor to be a part of this chapter of our students’ lives. At St. Michael’s, students are discovering themselves and embracing who they are in a community of leaders, learners, and friends. It takes time and energy, patience and courage, but at the end of the day we see confident students emerge who will leave their own mark on this world.
Margaret Moore
Head of School