Support Resources for Health and Well-Being

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Please see below a number of helpful resources vetted and provided by our Head of School, School Psychologist, and School Nurse.

Physical Health-related Resources:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Updates (Pima County Health Department)
COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus Updates (Arizona Department of Health Services)
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Guidelines (CDC)
World Health Organization (WHO) Updates (World Health Organization)
Vaccines, Epidemiology, and COVID-19 (Princeton Alumni Weekly)
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Map (Johns Hopkins University)
Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now (
Op Ed on the Novel Threat of COVID-19 (

Social and Emotional Health-related Resources:

Podcast: Talking to Our Kids about COVID-19 (CNN Podcasts)
Manage Anxiety & Stress (For Parents and Their Children) (CDC)
Talking to Children about the Coronavirus (NASP / NASN)
Managing Mental Health During COVID-19 (World Economic Forum)
Talking to Your Kids about Social Distancing (Forbes)
Helping Families Cope with COVID-19 (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)
COVID-19 Resources for Parents (Way Up Psychology)
Creating Healthy Habits During Quarantine (Psychology Today)